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Earth Village Community Program

Are you seeking to find your people and build a village of like-hearted souls to create a more sustainable future?  Do you love the sound of children playing in nature and the laughter of people dancing?  Do you long for elders in your life or for youth to once again have rites of passage to guide them towards adulthood?  Let's build the community we have been longing for.


Earth village is a 9-month exploration in building community, healthy culture, sustainability and nature connection for adults.  The program meets monthly and has one overnight campout in September.


During the year you will:

  • Build community from a values up approach

  • Explore models for building a healthy culture for you and your family

  • Explore rites of passage practices from birth to death

  • Live a more sustainable life through living in harmony with the Earth.

  • Explore the resources needed to build healthy community

  • Look at the impact of colonization and how decolonizing your life can create a more just world.

  • Participate in annual events that integrate nature and community connection into your life.

  • Gather wild food from the land and prepare a feast together over a fire coaxed to life by rubbing sticks.

  • Learn mentoring principles for raising powerful, free-range kids.

  • Discover your passions and gifts as your unique way to give to your community and find purpose.

  • Cultivate a deep belonging with the Earth and the more-than-human world

Do you feel the calling?

Join us for our Earth Village Community Program



2025 Dates: TBD March - November

Time: 10am-3pm

Location: TBD

Tuition: $1350**

* See weather and COVID policies for additional details.

** Pay in full or by payment plan




Additional perks of joining the class:​

  • An overnight campout

  • Invitations to annual community celebrations and special seasonal events

  • You design and host a community project for you to practice the skills learned in the course

  • Community connections made during and after the program to keep the village alive


Monthly Themes*

March: Welcome and orientation, land acknowledgment, opening ceremony, ecotherapy, rewilding & sustainability, growing community from a values up approach.


April: Nature connection practices, roles in a village, daily practices in community and nature connection, decolonization, justice and a regenerative future.


May: Gathering of wild edible plants and harvesting ethics, growing food, homesteading, resilience in hard times & community project assignment.


June: Cooking a wild feast, making fire by friction and other methods, monthly nature and community connection practices and planning those practices into your month.


July: Raising wild children, mentoring principles, heart-centered behavioral interventions and inner child meditation.


August: Annual practices and celebrations of the year, roles of the village and kinship systems, making an ecological-home map, sustainability at home, realms and resources for a village.


September Campout: (Overnight Saturday 10am to Sunday 3 pm) Designing rites of passages across the human lifecycle, elders and mentors, storytelling around the fire, chanting & dance by the fire, exploring personal vision and mission, basketmaking as a community practice.


October: Culture and community building principles, inviting ancestors into your life, group presentations of community projects & mapping your community resources


November: Visioning for the future, community presentations continued, closing ceremony, community commitments, next steps going forth and networking.

*Themes and topics are subject to change and evolve like all living things


A typical day

10-10:30 Gratitude circle & Song, check in

10:30-11:00 Orientation to theme of day

11-12:00 Exploring culture and community themes

12:00-1:00 Lunch and connection time

1:00-2:30 Afternoon nature activities and applied learning

2:30-3:00 Discussion circle and closing


Homework activities:

This course will have a variety of homework activities and journaling questions.  There will be reading too.


About Justin

Justin is dedicated to helping people live vibrant healthy lives filled with connection and purpose.  Justin is an ecotherapist, nature mentor and writer.  Justin is also the former director of Two Coyotes Wilderness School.  Over the course of his career, Justin has mentored hundreds of adults and teens in discovering who they are, claiming their personal power and in finding a deep sense of belonging within their own communities and the more-than-human world.



*Weather and COVID policy: In these times of often extreme weather, there may be days that are too dangerous or uncomfortable to meet outside.  At Sticks and Stones Farm, there are indoor accommodations sometimes available. Depending on the conditions, we may meet inside or meet online or the class my be canceled and rescheduled as determined by the program staff.  Generally we will not cancel due to mild weather like temps in the 20s or because of rain.


Because of the ever moving nature of COVID-19, policies regarding safety may change, however currently participants are welcome to be mask-less.  We will be outside for the vast majority of the program.  If you are feeling sick, test before coming to class and don't come if the test is positive or if you haven't tested.  There are no refunds for weather or covid safety-based cancellations or rescheduling.



Contact and scheduling

Justin Pegnataro, L.P.C.


For more info or to schedule a session, send Justin an email.


3496 Whitney Avenue, #202

Hamden, CT 06518


Click here to learn about our booking, payment and cancellation policies

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© 2023 by Justin Pegnataro. Proudly created with

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